I'm definitely a predominantly English speaker. My parents were adamant that I should learn proper English so they made sure I had a solid grounding in the language. I think they made the right choice as English fluency has afforded me opportunities I wouldn't otherwise have been able to access!
We had to learn the Malay language in school so I can speak, read, and write in the language but I'm certainly nowhere as fluent in Malay as I am in English.
The lingua franca in Penang, where I grew up, is the Hokkien Chinese dialect. I do speak it but with a strange accent from lack of practice.
Before I learned English, I spoke Cantonese Chinese because that's what my grandparents spoke when they were alive so we used it at home.
Mandarin is the Chinese prestige dialect but I went to the sort of schools that prioritised English and Malay teaching, so I am essentially in "Mandarin 101." My girlfriend (who was on G+ too by the way!) is a fluent Mandarin speaker so we got around Taiwan just fine. I'm happy to see it as an opportunity to pick up a new language. :)