Jessie, I hope my perspective on this matter helps assuage some of your regret over your decision. :)
I think you made the right choice in opting to buy a house at the right place with the right interest rate. These opportunities come by once every few decades.
Meanwhile, you can always try the digital nomad life later in your career. In fact, I think it's better to approach digital nomadism from a position of strength. As you progress in your career, your bargaining position should improve, enhancing your digital nomad experience.
I know a guy who's just embarking his digital nomad life in his 60s after spending more than a decade in CxO-level positions. He travels full-time with his wife, on a yacht, and pays the bills by functioning as a remote consultant and independent director. Needless to say, with all that career experience, he won't need to busk on the streets or walk dogs to fund his travels!
You've done well, Jessie!