Mr. Kowalczyk, I thank you for your comment critical of my article. I feel I should respond because I perhaps did not craft my initial argument properly to cause you to misunderstand my position.
I'm not calling to throw the baby out with the bathwater and do away with capitalism entirely. Indeed, by mentioning family-owned producers or cooperatives, I am suggesting there is still room for capitalist institutions to exist.
What I am suggesting is that the pendulum has swung too far in the favour of a single organisational structure - that of the limited liability company - which culminates in large, unwieldly corporations, who tend go on to use their huge balance sheets and virtually unlimited access to capital to create oligopolistic markets by buying out the competition or price dumping, even while competition commissions are comparatively powerless to act.
Many of the excesses on Wall Street, to take one example, came after the investment banks converted from partnerships to shareholder-owned corporations. Naturally, the incentives to take excessive risk were not there when they were partnerships and the partners were personally liable for the organisation's losses, and it took less than a decade before the last bulge bracket bank, Goldman Sachs, to convert to a corporation before excessive risk-taking culminated in the 2007/2008 financial crisis.