Seen it? I've done it before. Spoken in tongues, that is.
I had been going to this church for about 2-3 years. I was fairly non-commital about the whole thing, but I kept going anyway, because a few of my high school friends - including the pastor's son - went to this church, and it was just this thing we did together on the weekends.
At some point, i got pretty tired of this whole speaking in tongues thing so I thought, right, that's it, next week, I'm going to speak in tongues. At just the right time, I too collapsed on the ground, writing, and babbling nonsense.
It was really just the teenage rebelliousness in me trying to test the boundaries of what I could get away with. I thought I could troll them by pretending to speak in tongues. I didn't expect someone from across the room to start "translating" my babbles into biblical verses - keep in mind that, at the time, I was skiving off all the biblical studies I was supposed to do.
I thought I should come clean and tell everyone that I was just playing around. But nope, they wouldn't have any of it. Instead, they just waved it off as God doing His mysterious work, and that I must be truly blessed to be chosen as His vessel. Thus, I was unknowingly channeling the Word of God Himself, and only thinking I was trolling.
Whatevs. Stopped going shortly after.