That's because you only read the free stuff! You need to pay for the $49 course to find out how they really did it.
But act fast! This is a limited one-time offer to get $400 worth of content for only $49!
More seriously...
I just don't relate to some of the advice I've seen thrown around here. I've read posts by "Medium top writers" recommending their followers to focus on marketing, using things like Facebook ads and such. Really? 90% of the people reading that and following it blindly are going to be throwing their money down the drain because they don't have enough substance to back up their advertising dollars.
Then there's the:
1. Research wastes time that takes you away from your three article a day target.
2. You should make mistakes in your writing because it will make your article feel more real.
3. Write ten articles on the same thing but just say them differently so they feel fresh (and you pad your numbers out).
I don't even know where to begin with this sort of advice being thrown around.
Or the articles ("broetry") written like this. There's a lot of this on LinkedIn. Thankfully, it's not a huge problem here but anyone writing like this is going to earn a block from me.
You want to be a great writer?
Everyone wants to be a great writer.
I thought I was a poor writer.
I struggled for years with the same results.
Until I found this out.
Are you ready?
It's so obvious when you find out what it is.
It will blow your mind."
Oh dear, this has turned out to be a bit of a rant, which isn't exactly good for followers/clap counts, is it? :)