This is the key, Ella. :) Your family and your children are lovely! I imagine it's fine to have your kids adjust to Thai cuisine at that age, although it might be a little difficult to adjust their taste buds again if you move elsewhere when they're a little older.
I felt it important to push back a little against the "cheap" narrative because there's a lot of it about, and some people underestimate the adjustment it takes from doing things the "Western" style vs. the "Thai" style. I know when I moved to Europe for school decades ago that the costs escalated quickly when I tried to go for semi-authentic "Asian" food or bought imported packaged food and beverages simply because I missed the taste of home.
BTW, I see a pad thai with egg runs you THB 35 in your local night market. Central Bangkok is definitely more expensive in that regard, it runs about THB 50-60, but it gets to THB 40-50 in the suburbs.