You won't hear me praising the Malaysian education system much.
But, when I was in school, they came up with a great idea (in retrospect) to require students to pass a subject called "Integrated Life Skills." In my time, it was taught between Years 7-9 (year 11 being the GCSE year), but I understand it's since been extended to Years 4-9.
Integrated Life Skills included a hodge podge of things relevant to adult life, like:
- Basic cooking (being Asian, this meant fried rice!)
- Woodwork (I made a bookshelf)
- Electrical work (how to safely change a three-pin plug end and so on)
- Electronics (how to solder, the differences between resistors, capacitors, and so on)
- Mechanical work (basics of a 2/4-stroke engine, how to change a tire, how to navigate a toolbox, how to climb a ladder safely)
- Basic accounting
- Consumers' rights
- Basic entrepreneurship
We students laughed off the subject at the time but I'll be damned if some of it didn't rub off on me.