Yuko, I'm living in a part of Kuala Lumpur right now where many Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans congregate. You can tell who the new arrivals are -they are the ones who remain impeccably dressed and made up. The long-term arrivals have learned to blend in more with the Malaysian culture of being more relaxed outside. Japanese and Korean expatriates frequently cite this as one of the benefits of living in Malaysia. :)
I've been consuming more Japanese and Korean content on YouTube these days - mainly because I'm trying to look for diets and exercise routines to improve my health. But it's heartbreaking to see how much some content creators break down emotionally from the pressure to conform to their society's rigid beauty standards. You want to reach out from behind the screen and pat them on the back and tell them there are so many cultures out there in the world that accept and love them for who they are.